She's My hoPe

Sabtu, 22 November 2008
In tHe SiLenT NighT, WhEn I sAw the EmptY skY, I tRy To Cl0se My Eyes aNd find 0ut someThing.

Try to Figure iT 0uT, wHat I'm LookiNg for TheRe's noBoDy I MeEt, I aLone, I LosT, then i seE SoMeOne CaRe StraiGhT to mE. i don'T Know Who iS sHe. sHe's soWaRm, fuLl wiTh ShiNe.

Am i Lost mY conCious, oR..... i sTilL conFuse.

god.. I'am crying, mY hEarT so PaIn. WhY She'S come sO lAte...

AfteR My liFe FulFill wiTh teArs..

HowEver, i'am glad.. CoZ NoW sHe's StaNdinG Right BeSiDe me.. ToUch My hANd.. huG mE So tIghT anD Promise me to nEveR Let me Go aNd cRy AnYmORe..

Then when mY eYes oPeneD.. I See StiLl theRe.. SmiLe tO mE aNd rEach Me fOr now and Ever and Now I Know..
ThAt She's myPrinCess that I'am LooKing For...